BIO and CV
Master Of Fine Arts degree (MFA), university of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma major in painting/printmaking design, 1991
Bachelor Of Fine Arts degree BFA), university of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, major in painting/printmaking design, 1988
Exhibitions and Commissions
STEIDEL CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, Modern and Contemporary, Palm Beach 2024
INTERNATIONAL AWARD, ART, SAN DIEGO, San Diego Convention Center 2022
FEATURED ARTIST SEGMENT, Color In Your Life Television Show Australia 2019
PUERTO VALLARTA SOUTHSIDE SHUFFLE, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico 2014-2020
SAN DIEGO ART EXPO, Balboa Park, San Diego California 2015 + 16 + 18
SAUSALITO ARTS FESTIVALl, Sausalito California Juried Exhibition 2014+15
New York ARTEXPO Manhattan, New York, 2014-16
New York ARTEXPO 2013 [SOLO] award winner
ART DESIGN CONSULTANTS, Annual Juried Exhibition, Cincinniti, Ohio June 2013
DANTE GALLERY, one woman exhibition, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico February 2013
GALLERY ARTE 550 one woman exhibition Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, January 2012
GALLERY ARTE 550 one woman exhibition Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, February 2011
GALLERY ARTE 550 one woman exhibition Puerto Vallarta, Mexico March 2010
SMOKIN JAZZ, Lincoln Jazz Center, New York, New York, October 2008
ONE WOMAN EXHIBIT, Celery Barn Gallery, Sarasota Florida, Smokin… A Jazz Series 2010
ZIKES, BLEEPS, AND OTHER CONVERSATIONSGroup Exhibition, Manatee Art Center, Florida 2010
SARASOTA COUNTY ARTS COUNCILl, Sponsers “The Gift” an image used on 50,000 newcomers folders 2010. Foundation CI COMMISSIONPortrait of Cachao, Cuban Musician, benefiting Mental Health in Latin Community, San Diego, California 2008
LONGBOAT KEY CENTER FOR THE ARTS, Invitational, Downtown Comes to The Key November 2008
DCOTA Center Representation Exclusive representation in the Griffon Showroom Dania Beach Florida 2007
SARASOTA COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL, Sponsors “the Gift”, image used on 15,000 newcomers folders for Sarasota Visitors Bureau
23 ANNUAL SARASOTA JAZZ FESTIVAL, “Cuban Jazz Image published for marketing
23RD ANNUAL SARASOTA JAZZ FESTIVAL, One woman exhibition and VIP patron party March 2003
SARASOTA COUNTY ARTS COUNCIL, VIP Producers Party “Tango Series” and poster signing 2003
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, “Designing Woman, an exclusive boutique supporting the Arts of Sarasota, shows the Series “Goddess in Everywoman”. February 2003
CORPORATE COMMISSION, Sarasota County Arts Council, Painting depicting the arts of Sarasota for all promotional materials for the 2002-2003 Season, 2002
CORPORATE COMMISSION, Javiers Restaurant, 40 ft Mural of Cusco, Peru 2002
GOLDFISH GALLERIES, Exclusive representation, Smokin…A Jazz Series, 2001
RICHARD JAMES GALLERIES, One Woman Exhibition, , Charleston, SC, Spalato Festival.2001
INTERNATIONAL GROUP EXHIBITION, Jazz Monoprints, Artitude Gallery, Paris France 2000
CORPORATE COMMISSION, Mural, Diane’s Salon, Sarasota, Florida 2000
GROUP SHOW, Selby Museum, Sarasota, Florida 2000
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, studio 232 gallery on the quay, sarasota, 2000, smokin, a jazz series
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, kathleen carrillo gallery, sarasota, florida 2000, smokin, a jazz series
CORPORATE COMMISSION, mural, beneva dental corporation, sarasota, florida 2000
CORPORATE COMMISSION, mural, barts bayside restaurant, sarasota, florida 1999
JURIED EXHIBITION, lima, peru 1999
INTERNATIONAL ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, bohemia gallery, lima peru 1999
JURIED MUSEUM EXHIBITION, selby museum, sarasota, florida 1999
CORPORATE COMMISSION, mural, nicks italian restaurant, sarasota, florida 1998
JURIED MUSEUM EXHIBITION, selby museum, sarasota, florida 1998
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, kathleen carrillo gallery, sarasota, florida 1998
CORPORATE COMMISSION, mural, Reed Mapes home builders, bradenton, florida 1998
JURIED GROUP EXHIBITION, leiberman gallery, sarasota, florida 1997
MICRO, MACRO SARASOTA COUNCIL, juried, sarasota, florida 1997
COMMISSION MURAL, beins & joffery’s, sarasota, florida 1997
INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, manatee art center, florida 1997
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, individual artists of oklahoma, wild woman series, oklahoma city, ok 1997
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, don roll gallery, sarasota, florida 1996
GROUP SHOW don roll gallery, works of series, florida 1996
COMMISSION PORTRAIT don & joan mckeon, florida 1995
COMMISSION PORTRAIT, eva slane, sarasota, florida 1995
SPARCC AUCTION, painting auciton proceeds donated sarasota, florida 1995-1997
ONE WOMAN SHOW“women who run with wolves”,Barbara mann performing arts hall,ft. myers,1994
ART CLASSIC, phillipi estates museum, sarasota, florida 1994
FOURPLAY, 4 person exhibition, griffin gallery, matlacha, florida 1993
OTHER SPACES, OTHER ROOMS, thomas center gallery, gainesville, florida 1993, (juror:Dr.
OPEN STUDIO EXHIBITION, Cassandra Langer) open studio exhibition, florida avenue studios, sarasota, florida 1993
GALLERY AND DESIGNER REPRESENTATION south china traders designers showroom,carlsbad, california 1993 one woman GODDARD ART MUSEUM, exhibition, ardmore, oklahoma 1991
one woman exhibition, “celebration of growth”, fred jones museum of art, norman, oklahom1991
GROUP SHOW EROTIC ART, annual juried art exhibition, oklahoma city, oklahoma 1987-91
GROUP SHOW, wichita falls annual women’s exhibition, wichita falls, kansas, juried 1985,1990
COVER ARTIST for women’s yellow pages directory, oklahoma, juried 1991
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, “transition”, fred jones museum of art, norman oklahoma 1990
ANNUAL ART STUDENTS EXHIBITION, university of oklahoma 1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,
JURIED CALENDAR ARTIST, Baptist medical center annual calendar 1986
ONE WOMAN EXHIBITION, rose state college, cedarwood gallery 1983,1985
Professional Experience
Owner, Artist Studio and gallery “Your Creative Awakening, Puerta Vallarta, Mexico -2008 to present Owner Operator Kathleen Carrillo Gallery and Studio, Cedros Design District, San Diego Calif. 2005-2007
owner operator of the kathleen carrillo gallery and studio, towles court art colony, sarasota, florida 1994-2005
Owner/operator, house of wind and water an artist retreat, Puerta Vallarta, Mexico 2008-2017
panalist for downtown redevelopment planning, city of Sarasota, florida 2000
marketing director/developers assistant, towles court art colony, a real estate project, downtown Sarasota, florida, 1994-1999
president towles court artist association, towles court artist colony, Sarasota, florida 1995-98
vice president towles court artist association, in charge of marketing towles court art colony, Sarasota, florida, august 1998-2002
adjunct faculty, ringling school of art and design, 3d design and drawing, foundations department, Sarasota, florida, 1997-2002
adjunct faculty, manatee community college, printmaking, drawing, design, Sarasota, florida 1994-1997 instructor, ringling school of art and design, continuing education department, figure drawing, abstract painting, serigraphy, Sarasota, florida 1994-1999
instructor , Sarasota visual art center, figure drawing adult education, development and teaching of children’s art program, Sarasota, florida
instructor manatee art league, adult and children’s program, bradenton, florida, 1994-1997
instructor, wild acres art retreat, ringling school of art and design, printmaking, north carolina, 1995-1998 teaching workshop, painting in and of nature, selby botanical gardens & art center, Sarasota, florida, 1997 interview women in transition, on between us, a new slant on talk shows, wbsv tv 62, Sarasota, florida 1993 owner operator of the artful dabber, teaching studio, gallery and custom framing business, 1979-1992 advisor for the fine arts board of midwest city, Oklahoma, ongoing 1985-1992
adjunct faculty, university of Oklahoma, full time instructor in serigraphy and etching, 1991
instructor, humanities department, rose state college, art in life, spring 1991
guest speaker, honors english class seminar, university of oklahoma, topic: being a minority artist and how it effects work and attitudes, 1991
instructor, university of Oklahoma, figure drawing, spring 1991
guest speaker, mid del art association, discussion of masters thesis and work as social commentary, 1991 visiting artist, oklahoma state grant, watercolor workshop of del city schools, k-2nd grade, 1991 visiting artist, oklahoma state grant, watercolor workshop for tinker elementary school, 4th grade, 1990 instructor on kids corner, multimedia public television programming, drawing and painting, 1985-1986